Minutes Workshop Logistics Engie

From Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités

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Description en une ligne : Minutes Workshop Logistics Engie

Description : The objective of this working session is to brainstorm between experts, actors and ENGIE representatives about the opportunities for private players (not public) in each logistic solution. A poster will be prepared for each logistic solution with following issues for discussion :

  • Key activities needed: which activities (services) need to be in place to implement this logistic solution successfully? Do these activities already exist? Or could they be economically viable today? Who should carry out these activities (public or private sector). Are these activities linked to the ENGIE core business (Energy services)?
  • Scope: in what type of cities (size, policy framework, spatial pattern, other characteristics) would this system be applicable)?

Evénement lié : Workshop Logistics Engie
Organisations impliquées : Engie, UPS

Thème : Logistique urbaine

Défi lié à l'Atelier : Accompagner les professionnels à trouver l'offre logistique adaptée à leurs besoins, Améliorer le remplissage des flux logistiques, Améliorer la logistique des derniers kilomètres

Communauté(s) d'intérêt impliquée(s) : Communauté des Territoires et Collectivités

Actions décidées par les participants : Créer une nouvelle communauté, Identifier ou Produire un Commun utile à la communauté

Autres informations :

Feeding & Fueling the city[edit | edit source]

To answer these questions La Fabrique de la Cité launched at the beginning of 2016 a research programme named « Feeding and Fueling the City ». Three answers are provided here, in the form of scenarios. In partnership with weave.air, an innovation consulting firm specialised in design thinking, three scenarios were imagined. These scenarios are forward-looking – some might even say utopian – but they are based on observable trends and perceptible activities in cities in Europe and the United States. Some of these trends and activities are also presented here, along with case studies of cities that most closely reflect the scenarios outlined under:

  • In the « city as a hub » scenario, like a logistics hub, the city fully exploits its logistics platform potential driven by the public actor creating the necessary conditions for the mobilisation of the ecosystem consisting of the city’s actors.
  • In the « city as a service » scenario, satisfying the complex expectations of city dwellers/consumers is at the heart of private actors’ logistics organisation and strategy and they benefit from a conducive environment created by the public actor.
  • In the « rooted city » scenario, Exploitation of a territory’s productive potential and development of a circular economy are supported by synergies between public and private stakeholders (businesses, associations and citizens)

Read the full STUDY "Feeding & Fueling the city"

Watch the videos of the presentation of La Fabrique de la Cité and a panel of experts during the restitution of the results of the program as well as interviews on this topic.

Presentations during the Workshop[edit | edit source]