From Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités

Open Source Software tool to Simulate, Analyze and Test data bus systems such as CAN, CAN-FD, LIN, FlexRay

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BUSMASTER was conceptualized, designed and implemented by Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions (RBEI). Presently it is a joint project of RBEI and ETAS GmbH. Details on the project and offerings is available on the ETAS product page BUSMASTER Join our YouTube Channel where user-contributed videos on contributions, web-based trainings and other offerings are updated. For Queries regarding Contributions or Engineering Services around BUSMASTER, please contact BUSMASTER@in.bosch.com 

The Open Source Community includes several Organizations, Universities and enthusiastic individuals, some of which are listed below.

Organizations using or interested in using the resource:


Tags: obd, bus, can

Categories: Logiciel, Matériel

Theme: Open HardWare, Voiture Connectée, Traces de mobilité et des données associées, Logiciel Libre


Challenge: Abaisser les barrières pour innover sur le véhicule, Augmenter les connaissances partagées en cartographie et usages des véhicules et réseaux de transports

Key people to solicit:

Other related common: Busmaster CAN, CANtact, USB to CAN Interface, IOT Tracker for tractor, IOTIVITY for IOT open source specifications and standards, Kit XDK plateforme IOT, Emulateur OBD, OBD Pi

Wealth sought:

Required skills:

Community of interest: Communauté de l'Open Hardware, Communauté Voiture Connectée


Terms of Service (TOS):

Level of development:

Link to my actions board:

Link to my cloud, wiki, drive…:


Next step:

Documentation of the experimentations:

Other informations

List of the actors using or willing of using this common: aucun pour le moment

List of the workshop reports related to this common: