OSM Tools/Jungle Bus Mobile App

From Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités

Short Description: Jungle Bus is an Android app for bus stop collection directly on OpenSteetMap

Description: It's a java-based app Under GNU GPL v3 that is a fork of OSM Contributor edited by the company Jawg Maps for the Jungle Bus project. This mobile application allows contributors to simply collect bus stops data to create a complete transport map:

  • Create/move/delete bus stops
  • Edit bus stop details (presence of a shelter, bench, accessibility for person with disability...)
  • Offline use


Logo Jungle Bus.png

Web Site : https://junglebus.io/

Organisations interested to contribute or already contributing: OpenStreetMap, Jungle Bus

Organisations using or interested to use the resource:

Contributor: LAINEZ Florian, LEHUBY Noémie, HAYAT Flora, DE CHATEAU THIERRY Vincent, KARINTHI Jean, ZIMMERMAN Jean-Louis, PAVIE Adrien, ORTOLA Loic, RHOD Pascal

Tags: Jungle Bus, OpenStreetMap

Category: Logiciel, Données

Theme: Open Street Map OSM, Données ouvertes, Traces de mobilité et des données associées, Logiciel Libre, Africa


Challenge addressed: Augmenter les connaissances partagées en cartographie et usages des véhicules et réseaux de transports

Key persons:

Other common:

Communauty of interest: Communauté des acteurs en Afrique

Type of common: Commun

Produced in the field of OpenChallenge?

Level of developpment

Chat Space to discuss: [1]

Mailing list:

Task management link:

File management link:



Next step:

Soon to be released (in 2018):

  • Automatic upload of the data
  • Simpler Log-in screen
  • Data to be loaded and stored in vectorial format: quicker UI, quicker data loading and less space used to store local data
  • Relation edit: add bus relations to bus stops
  • Take a bus_stop picture and upload it automatically to Mapillary / possible to use your own Mapillary account / add a Mapillary=* tag to the bus stop
  • GPS tracking / upload the GPS trace in OSM
  • More translations

Others informations: