OSM Tools

From Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités

Short Description: OpenStreetMap community provide a series of useful open tools for mapping transit system

Description: This page describes all the existing free and open softwarte/mobile app/plug-in provided by OpenStreetMap community that are useful for mapping transport system directly on OSM.
Most of them are developped by the Jungle Bus Team and are under open licenses, that mean that their source code are modificable and sharable according to the terms of licenses.
For each phase of the process of mapping a paratransit network (data collection, data quality control and data importation/exportation), there is an adapted tool provided by the community and we will analyze them under a few criteria like:
- Under which informatic language is it? (JavaScript? SQL? Python?...)
- Who can use it? Is it for advanced contributors? For beginners?
- Do we need an internet connection to use it?
- Is the app available? Or under development?


Openstreetmap logo svg.png

Web Site :

Organisations interested to contribute or already contributing: Jungle Bus, Where Is My Transport?, Digital Matatus Team, OSM Fondation

Organisations using or interested to use the resource:


Tags: Mapping Project, Jungle Bus, OSM Contributions, Data Collection, Data Quality, Data Exportation

Category: Logiciel, Données

Theme: Open Street Map OSM, Voiture Connectée, Données ouvertes, Traces de mobilité et des données associées, Logiciel Libre, Africa


Challenge addressed: Augmenter les connaissances partagées en cartographie et usages des véhicules et réseaux de transports

Key persons:

Other common:

Communauty of interest: Communauté Cartographie Contributive, Communauté des acteurs en Afrique

Type of common: Commun

Produced in the field of OpenChallenge?

Level of developpment

Chat Space to discuss: [1]

Mailing list:

Task management link:

File management link: https://github.com/Jungle-Bus



Next step:

Others informations:

Data Collection Process[edit | edit source]

Which OSM tool for Data Collection?
Tools Kick Description More detail Platform Language Offline Tools? Level of the contributors Availability Doc link Git link License
Jungle Bus App Simple tools for mapping transport system Geolocalisation of bus Stop

Information upon the bus stop itself: Name? Accessibility? Shelter? N° bus routes passing by?
They're developping the tools in order to integrate GPS Trace reccorder

Android Java Offline Easy user Under development Wiki Page Jungle Bus GitHub Jungle Bus GNU - General Public License v3
Map Contrib OSM thematic contributions app Edit Data
Adding a point of interest
Building a theme
Web Based App
Java Online Middle user Available Wiki Page Map Contrib MapContrib Github MIT License
OSM Tracker GPS Trace recorder and data collection GPX tracker
Stops geographicaly registred
Windows Mobile
Java Offline Middle user Available Wiki Page OSM Tracker GitHub OSM Tracker GNU - General Public License v3
Open Street Map Contributors OSM Advanced Contributors app Allow advanced contributors to contribute to OSM and to manage a team of contributors
Add, edit or delete for Nodes, Ways, Tags, Comments..."
Android Online Advanced user Available Wiki Page OSM Contributors GitHub OSM Contributors GNU - General Public License v3

Data Quality Control[edit | edit source]

Which OSM tool for Data Quality Control?
Tools Kick Description More detail Platform Language Offline Tools? Level of the contributors Availability Doc link Git link License
Street Complete ChatBot application for OSM Transport Data Chatbot app
Identification of wrong, incomplete and extendable data
Control and edit of those data identified by the user
Android Java Offline Easy user Available Wiki Page Street Complete GitHub Jungle Bot GNU - General Public License v3
Map Roulette Gaming approach for data correction "- A challenge is given to the user in order to fix an issue
He has to fix it before that another challenge became active

- Road connectivity error, overlapping ways, road form...

Web Based App Java
Online Middle user Available Wiki Roulette wwww Apache v2.0
OSM Changeset Analyser Web tool for analyzing and reviewing recent data modification on OSM Filter, analyze, view and verification of changeset on OSM
Changeset (live) shown with ID, Date, Name of the OSM user...
New mappers, large data additions/deletions..."
Web tool supported on OSM-Compare Java Online Advanced user Available Wiki Page OSMCha OSMCha Github BSD 2-Clause
OSM Inspector Web debugging tool Vizualisation on OSM of certain theme containing data error
Theme? Geometry, routing, tagging, places, areas, addresses, PT stops and routes...
OSM Plugin Online Advanced user Available Wiki Page OSM Contributors
OSMose Quality assurance tool for detecting issues and showing them on OSM Detect contrubutor's and conflation issues
Show those identified anomalies on a map
Allow to fix anomalies
Useful for integrating external Data Base
Web Tool Python Online Advanced user Under Development Wiki Page OSMose GNU - General Public License v3
PT Assistant Validation of Public Transport Routes Validation of PT stops and routes regards to a set of criteria
Stop by stop test to check the validity of each segment
OSM Plugin Java Online Advanced user Under Development Wiki Page PT Assistant Osmose GitHub

Data Exportation[edit | edit source]

Which OSM tool for Data Exportation?
Tools Kick Description More detail Platform Language Offline Tools? Level of the contributors Availability Doc link Git link License
OSM2GTFS Transit Data Generator from OSM Script that allow to turn OSM data (+schedule) into GTFS Field

Store the OSM Data in python object, combins it with temporal data -> GTFS

Web Script Offline Advanced User Need an adaptation of the script for every new city OSM2GTFS for Accra OSM2GTFS Github GNU - General Public License v3
GTFS-OSM-SYNC Transit Data Integrator to OSM App that allow to synchronyse GTFS Field into OSM
Vizualisation and comparaison with existing data
Web Based App Java Online Advanced Under development GTFS-OSM-SYNC Github Apache v2.0

Data Processing[edit | edit source]

Which OSM tool for Data Processing for public use?
Tools Kick Description More detail Platform Language Offline Tools? Level of the contributors Availability Doc link Git link License
VaPourTrail Vector Tile Schema for OSM bus Data Allow to create interactive bus map
Show bus stop, routes, list of stop...
Web Script Online Advanced User Under development VaPourTrail Wiki VaPourTrail Github MIT License

Other Languages : EN Flag.png English - FR Flag.png Français