Ediwheel Ltd
Description en une ligne : eDI is one of the cheapest and least energy-consuming, enclosed commuter EV with higher maneuverability, performance and braking features than cars and motorcycles.
Description : eDI is an exceptional enclosed commuter EV that redefines the standards of affordability and energy efficiency. It addresses the issue that the daily commute is very expensive, energy-intensive, and stressful for people who live in the agglomeration, but work in the cities. The heavy weight of EVs results in high energy consumption, their large battery and numerous components increase their overall price, and their size makes them inconvenient for parking and difficult to maneuver in busy areas.
Decreasing the size of 4-wheeled cars involves many safety and cost-effectiveness issues, since they focus on the optimization of components of these vehicles. In contrast eDI introduced a new vehicle architecture to reconcile these expectations by closing the gap between cars and diwheels in terms of safety and performance, while maintaining affordability and increasing maneuverability. eDI’s architecture provides solutions to their main engineering challenges including moment of inertia, weight distribution, and unsprung masses by the integration of mechanical, electrical and material engineering researches.
eDI’s innovative technology focuses 100% on lightweight vehicle and powertrain structures. Not only will the eDI offer economic benefits, but it will also have a positive environmental impact. With its lightweight construction, it requires less material during manufacturing, contributing to a reduction in both production costs and carbon emissions. eDI emits 100 g less CO2 per kilometer than the average gasoline car, thus reducing its climate impact.
In addition to its environmental advantages, the eDI offers excellent maneuverability and a small size, making driving less stressful and parking easier. These features enhance the overall commuting experience and further attract potential customers.
Furthermore, the low energy consumption of the eDI plays a significant role in reducing strain on the energy grid. By promoting energy efficiency, the vehicle contributes to a more sustainable and balanced energy consumption pattern.
Tags : vehicle, Mobilité électrique, mobilité urbaine
Adhérent FabMob France : Non
Thème : Véhicules intermédiaires, French Mobility Label
Email : aron.ecseny@ediwheel.com
Site web : https://ediwheel.com/
Date de création : 2023
Pays d’implantation :
Villes d’implantation : London, Grasse - Paris - Bordeaux - Toulouse - S74ffe9962aa63629544cf4e884309ae8
Geocode the address to put it on the map
Lieu précis d’expérimentation prévu :
Type : Entreprise, Entrepreneur
Personnes impliquées : Máté Zöldy, Áron Ecsenyi, Anirudh Pednekar, Tamás Ecsenyi
Référent (contact privilégié) :
Besoins et Apports : We are responsible for CAD desgin of mechanical components, electrical design, analyses, simulations and operative management in manufacturing.
Défi(s) adressé(s) : Améliorer l'offre de mobilité, L'extrême défi ADEME, Défi des villes intelligentes, Réduire la consommation d'énergie dans le secteur des transports, Maximiser les usages de l'espace public (personne et marchandise), Abaisser les barrières pour innover sur le véhicule, Rendre accessible une mobilité individuelle à bas coût pour tous sans externalités négatives
Actions mises en œuvre par le Territoire:
Partenaire impliqué (industriel, fablab, labo...) :
Richesse apportée par l’acteur : Expérimentation, Moyen de prototypage - production - essais et calcul, Produit - Service
Commun(s) proposé(s) (sous conditions): CAD, Wiki de la Fabrique des Mobilités, Démarche d'exploration des imaginaires du futur des mobilités
Conditions Générales d’Utilisation des communs proposés: Our resources are devoted to the production of the pilot project and the verification of road standards.
Communauté(s) d’intérêt : Communauté de l'eXtrême Défi, Mobilité de quartier
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