Communauté du Logiciel Libre/Atelier N°1
Description en une ligne : Communauté du Logiciel Libre/Atelier N°1
Description : Agenda in 3 times :
Why is it important and useful to have open source software in the field of mobility ?
Introduction of Paris Open Source Summit
Share different points of view from industry, city, entrepreneurs, at national and international levels.
A Short concerning Open source Software => results of the survey.
- What are the existing software available today ? example, story around and consequences.
- What are the next developement on going and at short term ?
Presentation from different stakeholders : developer, city authority, facilitators (INRIA, CEREMA, AFIMB)
Evénement lié : Atelier N°1 Communauté du Logiciel Libre
Organisations impliquées : Kisio Digital, AFIMB, Cerema, ADEME, INRIA, CALYPSO
Thème : Logiciel Libre
Animateur Atelier : Gabriel Plassat
Défi lié à l'Atelier : Améliorer les solutions et développer de nouvelles solutions de mobilités pour tous, Augmenter les connaissances partagées en cartographie et usages des véhicules et réseaux de transports
Commun(s) impliqué(s) : Navitia Open API & data for public transportation
Communauté(s) d'intérêt impliquée(s) : Communauté autour des traces de mobilité et des données associées, Communauté du Logiciel Libre
Actions décidées par les participants : Identifier ou Produire un Commun utile à la communauté
Autres informations :
Overview[edit | edit source]
- What are the existing software available today ? example, story around and consequences.
- What are the next developement on going and at short term ?
Presentation from different stakeholders : developer, city authority, facilitators (INRIA, CEREMA, AFIMB)
Agenda - Presentations and Work in groups[edit | edit source]
- Presentations of Existing Open source softwares :
- Who/How can contribute and propose evolutions ?
- How can we index, develop together ?
- Feedbacks and evaluations, fail analysis ...
- How improve contribution without reducing utilisation ? Many cities authorities are in general users, but not really contributors, and industrials in general want to push their proposition but not really co-create and contribute; How can we evolve ?
- Morning - Presentation of the following developments :
- Presentation / Transfermuga, mobility assistance across borders, using open street map, uMap, Wordpress,
- Métromobilité ( et )
- Open Trip Planner :,
- Presentation / Developing a project with TravelSpirit to incorporate open source software into demand responsive and community transport options. by Giles Bailey, Stratageeb UK
- Calypso
- working with GTFS-Flex, as well as RidePilot and the RideConnection Clearing House.
- Presentation / co-development with IFSTTAR of a Framework for multimodal routing development GitHub platform for the projet Tempus:
- Presentation / Transport for Cairo (TfC): Mapping Cairo by Mohamed Hegazy and example from Nigeria.
- Simply-connect :
- Presentation / Chouette : et Irys
- Catalogue :
- Presentation / Navitia (openSource), (opendata) et (openservice)
- Presentation / Ruter Labs , (project website) / (Jouney planner - BETA)
- New open source softwares :
- What are the need for the coming months ? how can we decide the most usefull development ?
- What organisation fits to this ?
- Afternoon - Works in Groups about Existing Resources, Funding , Wealths :
Idea of organisation : one group by topic or group with people with different skills or ?
- How can we manage and improve existing resources : organisation, management, evaluation, contribution,
- How can we identify and select new resources : identification, selection, development
- How can we provide funding ? state of the art
- Can we provide other wealth ?
- How can we evolve from software 100% funded by public to a community support with several contributions and fundings ?
- Allocate 1% of budget for open source projects. This budget could be managed by FabMob.
- to be completed ?
Deliverables of the workshop :
- Working groups :
- Indexation :
- Documentation on the wiki and github
- Create an evangelisation for open source culture for city and industry : Book to come for POSS 2016
- Network and discussion group with a social network (FabMob slack)
Contacts[edit | edit source]
Territories :
- PACA cf plateforme openPACA, working with Jean-Louis Zimmerman d'OSM (Carto party with SNCF stations in PACA)
- Métro Grenoble / Metromobilité using OpenTripPlanner + plateform opendata mobility
- Euro Région Aquitaine-Euskadi / juliendelabaca Transfermuga with Navitia
- Toulouse Tisseo + Toulouse (data real timel en open source)
- Auvergne region / Auvergne mobilité (Navitia, TimeTable), Open data Auvergne. Feedbacks from M.Derouet before the workshop :
- No clear opinion on open source software concerning Auvergne Mobilité,
- Auvergne Mobilité v1 was working under SYNTHESE, open source software from the beginning but without an active community.
- Auvergne Mobilité v2 is working from feb 2016 under, without feedbacks.
- Utilisation of OSM address database because :
- More informations (in term of address)
- More capacity to evolve : create new POI with our route calculator, capacity to indicate parking as relay to integrate multimodal mobility
- Negative Points :
- No guarantee the sustainability of theses developments which may in some cases be challenged by the community
- Open source does not guarantee inherently open or close slightly as the number of actors. The size of the community is an important parameter
Startups / consultants :
- Andrew Byrd, Conveyal / OpenTripPlanner
- Tristram Gräbener, Codeurs en Liberté
- Vincent Lara projet API Le.Taxi at Etalab
- Stephan de Koninck / Bliksem (Hollande) / software open source RRRR
- Hugues Romain, RCS Mobility Lausanne, software open source Synthese
- Software Tempus Open Source co-developed by Oslandia & IFFSTAR
- Pieter Colpaert / OpenTransport group at OKFN
- Latitude Cartagene, app web site for CarPostal
- Laurent Grégoire, Mecatran
- Christophe Duquesne, Aurige
- Alban Peignier, AF83
- Philippe Vappereau, RATP (Calypso using licence open source)
- Gilles Betis, Transdev Digital Factory
- Stéphane Laurière, OW2
- Sampo Hietanen, Whim -
- Simon Ho and Giles Bailey Travel Spirit :
- Daniel Duris : Open source Bike Share under testing in Bratislava
- Mohamed Hegazy: Transport for Cairo (TfC)
Companies :
- CityWay, Transdev
- Kisio, Keolis
- RATP / Ixxi : Application Zaleou (, API billettique à venir
- Michelin
Public Authority :
- Bernard Schwob AFIMB
- European Commission