Twisted fields

From Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités



Short description: Twisted Fields is an organic farm located in San Gregorio, CA in the San Francisco Bay Area. We serve our local community with fresh produce, eggs, pottery, and more.

Full description: Forum de discussion

We are also studying the science of organic farming automation. To aid in this study, we have developed Acorn, our solar powered precision farming rover. We’ve created this community to serve as a place for discussion of Acorn, our other research projects, and local farm events.

Tags: agriculture, ferme

Fabmob member:

Theme: Open HardWare, Navettes autonomes, Logiciel Libre



Creation date:

Countries of deployment: USA

Cities of deployment: San gregorio

Geocode the address to put it on the map

Specific place of experimentation:

Type: Entreprise



Needs & contributions :

Challenge(s): Abaisser les barrières pour innover sur le véhicule

Actions implemented by the Territory:

Partenaire impliqué (industriel, fablab, labo...) :

Wealth brought be the actor: Expérimentation, Cas d'usages, Moyen de prototypage - production - essais et calcul, Contributeur - Communauté

Common(s) proposed (under conditions): Acorn

Terms of services for the commons proposed:

Community(ies) of interest: Communauté autour des navettes autonomes, Communauté du véhicule Open Source

Link to mailing list:

Link to chat channel:

Link to actions board:

Link to cloud, wiki, drive:

Report involving the stakeholder

Liste des connaissances liées à Twisted fields :

Common(s) Twisted fields use or the ones Twisted fields contribute to or want to contribute:

Communities Twisted fields is involved with:

List of project hosted by Twisted fields:

List of vehicles hosted by Twisted fields:

List of job and internship proposed by Twisted fields: