Open Source Cargo Bike
How can we produce a more sustainable cargo-bike frame?
Our third prototype is working very well and the weight is competitive with aluminium cargo-bike frames on the market. The design allows an openness for customisation and personalisation of the frame to the user‘s needs. Replacing parts or disassembling the frame is also possible if needed.
We would love to see our concept global! Makers can create the bike with different materials or sheets of local plywood. Our design files are open source and are free to access online. Please find the full length manual at the link below.
- Check out our DROPBOX folder to download all the files you need to make your own Frachtstück.
Commercial use is not allowed. Please find the licensing details and following terms at
If you are curious about how things are going, make sure to follow us on Instagram @frachtstueck and on Facebook. Or, contact us directly by mail:
Organizations using or interested in using the resource:
Tags: Cargo bike, vélo cargo, fracht, stuck
Categories: Matériel, Communauté
Theme: Voiture électrique et charge, Vélo et Mobilités Actives, Open HardWare, Ecoles et Etudiants
Challenge: Améliorer la logistique des derniers kilomètres, Améliorer la résilience des systèmes de transports et des solutions de mobilités, Améliorer les solutions et développer de nouvelles solutions de mobilités pour tous, L'extrême défi ADEME
Key people to solicit:
Other related common: Carla Cargo Bike, Communauté du véhicule Open Source, Véhicule Open Source pour la formation et l'éducation, Vélo Cargo, XYZ Cargo
Wealth sought: Contributeur - Communauté
Required skills:
Community of interest: Communauté Vélo et Mobilités Actives, Communauté autour du Véhicule Electrique, sa charge et les réseaux, Communauté de l'Open Hardware, Communauté de l'eXtrême Défi, Communauté du véhicule Open Source, ORNI pour Objet Roulant Non Identifié
License: Creative Commons, BY-NC
Terms of Service (TOS):
Level of development: Disponible et validé
Link to my actions board:
Link to my cloud, wiki, drive…:
Next step:
Documentation of the experimentations: Voir aussi cette communauté :
Other informations
List of the actors using or willing of using this common: aucun pour le moment
List of the workshop reports related to this common: