Hackathon Open Hardware 2017

From Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités

Following discussion with Phil Tinn, researcher at MIT. Phil is working on Autonomous and Shared Electric Tricycles for people and goods. This project is Open source then fully aligned with FabMob and open source hardware community. Phil is working with several schools around the world in particular Taipei. Its project aims to develop Chassis and autonomous soft/hardware components in open source.

Phil is working on a Open Hardware Hackathon next year. Global overview :

  • before the hackathon, worldwide communication, preselection of 5 teams
  • each team is composed by heterogeneous skills with 5-6 peoples : engineer, design, business, ...
  • one week hackathon with one MIT researcher per team, one chassis per team
  • globall cost : around 300 k€
  • deliverables will be open source,
  • winner can be invited at MIT next year

This Hackathon is very similar to our Open Source Challenge (see also this web site). For this Hackathon, FabMob can propose :

  • Support to communicate & design the Hackathon : what do we want to solve ? problems coming from industries and cities.
  • Identify major stakeholders : industry, city, school, lab interested to participate
  • Federate theses stakeholders around the Hackathon : how can they use this hackathon to address their issues ? how can they be involved before, during and after the hackathon ?
  • Helping finding sponsors
  • Bring coherence between Open source hardware Hackathon and our challenge : new kind of call for project ? extract a common methodology to launch Open Hardware Challenge.
  • Propose advisors and experts before, during and after,
  • Propose to support some projects after the hackathon