EIT Digital

De Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités
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Description en une ligne : EIT Digital is a leading European digital innovation and entrepreneurial education organisation driving Europe’s digital transformation.

Description : EIT Digital delivers breakthrough digital innovations to the market and breeds entrepreneurial talent for economic growth and improved quality of life in Europe. It does this by mobilising a pan-European ecosystem of over 130 top European corporations, SMEs, start-ups, universities and research institutes. As a Knowledge and Innovation Community of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, EIT Digital is focused on entrepreneurship and is at the forefront of integrating education, research and business by bringing together students, researchers, engineers, business developers and entrepreneurs. This is done in our pan-European network of Co-Location Centres in Berlin, Eindhoven, Helsinki, London, Paris, Stockholm, Trento, as well as in Budapest and Madrid. We also have a hub in Silicon Valley. EIT Digital invests in strategic areas to accelerate the market uptake of research-based digital technologies focusing on Europe’s strategic, societal challenges: Digital Industry, Digital Cities, Digital Wellbeing and Digital Infrastructure.

Tags : entrepreneur

Adhérent FabMob France :

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Site web : https://www.eitdigital.eu/

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Villes d’implantation : Berlin, Eindhoven, Helsinki, London, Paris, Stockholm, Trento, Budapest, Madrid

Geocode the address to put it on the map

Lieu précis d’expérimentation prévu :

Type : Conseil

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Référent (contact privilégié) :

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Actions mises en œuvre par le Territoire:

Partenaire impliqué (industriel, fablab, labo...) :

Richesse apportée par l’acteur :

Commun(s) proposé(s) (sous conditions): Plateforme véhicule Twizy robotisé

Conditions Générales d’Utilisation des communs proposés:

Communauté(s) d’intérêt :

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EIT Digital Academy[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

The EIT Digital Academy is the European education leader in providing online "blended" Innovation and Entrepreneurship education to raise quality, increase diversity and availability of the top-level content provided by our partner universities, institutes and companies.

Summer school organised in 2017 @sophia-antipolis[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Two business cases were proposed by FabMob

Low cost Bike sharing solutions 

Many cities have integrated Bike sharing solution. This system is very helpful to simplify access to bike and then increase urban mobility using bicycle. But this solution is very expensive with more than 2000€/bike/year. It’s not possible for small city. The problem is then to develop a low cost system. FabMob (http://lafabriquedesmobilites.fr/en ,  http://wiki.lafabriquedesmobilites.fr and http://communs.lafabriquedesmobilites.fr ) start working on this problem and propose :

To recycle old bicycle or even used bicycle; This activity can be done by a NGO,

To develop a connected locker open source. Several connected lockers already exist but they are also expensive and not fully adapted to bike sharing.

The business case proposed is to focus on Connected Locker open source for bike sharing. Like Arduino for example, open source can be very useful to develop more quickly, to share and mutualise between cities, to reduce barriers for new players and also to create new business models based on open resources.

Link to the page EIT Low Cost Bike sharing Solutions

Open source Autonomous Electric Vehicle

Many stakeholders already develop and work on EV and autonomous EV. Cities are also impacted and become involved. Schools need to redesign their program, and labs are working on this topics for many years. But between these different stakeholders, there’re no standard, no connexion.

Open source is very powerful to create useful connexion.

FabMob (http://lafabriquedesmobilites.fr/enhttp://wiki.lafabriquedesmobilites.fr and http://communs.lafabriquedesmobilites.fr ) start working on this problem and propose with Renault to develop an open source Twizy (POM project) with autonomous capacity : http://wiki.lafabriquedesmobilites.fr/wiki/Twizy_Open_Source_POM

Like Baidu with its open source autopilot, the business case proposed is to imagine business models associated with this open resource. Many stakeholders can be interested with this open resources : city, lab, school, industry… It’s possible to create valuable business model based on open source.

Link to the page Twizy Open Source - P.O.M.