Direkt bahn guru
All direct long-distance railway connections from a given city.
Organizations using or interested in using the resource:
Categories: Logiciel, Données
Theme: Open Street Map OSM, Données ouvertes
Challenge: Améliorer les solutions et développer de nouvelles solutions de mobilités pour tous
Key people to solicit:
Other related common:
Wealth sought: Contributeur - Communauté
Required skills: Information
Community of interest: Standards Ouverts pour des MaaS d'intérêt général
Terms of Service (TOS):
Level of development:
Link to my actions board:
Link to my cloud, wiki, drive…:
Next step:
Documentation of the experimentations:
Other informations
List of the actors using or willing of using this common: aucun pour le moment
List of the workshop reports related to this common: