Billet Express

De Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités
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Description en une ligne : Billet Express is a web and mobile platform which provide bus ticketing services via Mobile money and to Malian travelers.

Description : The problem : Booking a car to travel in Africa is very tiresome because of long queue which leads to time wasting and long lasting wait at the station.

The solution : Launched in June 2017, Billet Express is a web and mobile platform which provide bus ticketing services via Mobile money and to Malian travelers. The application is available on Playstore only provided with an instruction guide. Billet Express also developed a vocal assistance for illiterate people. 7 Big national companies partnered with Billet Express with more than 300 destinations registered. Billet Express works closely with Data Transport and Impulse Data to provide quality informations about routes and means of transport.

State of development : Since its launch, Billet Express hires 5 employees full time and 3 part time and registered 2500 active travelers on the platform.

Funds raised: Billet Express raised a seed capital with Tony Elumelu Foundation.

Business model: Billet Express’ business model is based on the sell of ticketing services

Ambitions: Billet Express wishes to offer its services to other countries, to implement other solutions to improve transport and mobility. They want to become a leader in the ticketing sector.

Achievements: Billet Express won the Tony Elumelu Foundation Award in 2017, ISOCEL Award during Africa Startup Tour in Benin in 2018, OCAF Award from OGP Toolbox with the support of AFD and the Best Ticketing Solution Award at Africa Excellence Award in 2018.

Within the context of Digital solutions in Africa : Few solutions in Africa provide ticketing service and Billet Express manages to progressively satisfy Malian market for the moment with a huge progress margin ahead of them as most car companies in West Africa don’t use ticketing platforms.

Appreciation: Billet express is one of the must watch solutions in Africa as its growth potential is quite high and the solution trusted and needed by users and companies.

To know more : No article known

Text prepared by Charlène Kouassi

Tags : Movin'On LAB Africa (OMA), ticketing

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Date de création :

Pays d’implantation : Mali

Villes d’implantation : Bamako

Sur la carte :
Chargement de la carte...

Lieu précis d’expérimentation prévu :

Type : Entreprise, Startup

Personnes impliquées :

Référent (contact privilégié) :

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Partenaire impliqué (industriel, fablab, labo...) :

Richesse apportée par l’acteur :

Commun(s) proposé(s) (sous conditions):

Conditions Générales d’Utilisation des communs proposés:

Communauté(s) d’intérêt : Communauté des acteurs en Afrique

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Compte rendu lié à Billet Express :

Liste des connaissances liées à Billet Express :

Liste des communs qu'utilise ou sur lesquels Billet Express contribue ou souhaite contribuer :

Liste des communautés auxquelles participent Billet Express :

Liste des projets portés par Billet Express :

Liste des véhicules portés par Billet Express :

Liste des emplois et stages que proposent Billet Express :