Short description: Groupe de recherche en transport intelligent, sécurité routière et mobilité active dirigé par Prof. Nicolas Saunier à Polytechnique Montréal
Full description:
Fabmob member:
Theme: Open HardWare, Open Street Map OSM, Voiture Connectée, Vélo et Mobilités Actives, Données ouvertes, Navettes autonomes, Traces de mobilité et des données associées, Ecoles et Etudiants, Logiciel Libre, Centre Excellence Québec
Email: nicolas.saunier@polymtl.ca
Website: http://nicolas.saunier.confins.net
Creation date:
Countries of deployment: Canada
Cities of deployment: Montréal
Geocode the address to put it on the map
Specific place of experimentation:
Type: Laboratoire, Transport"Transport" is not in the list (Agence, Association, Conseil, Collectivité, Entreprise, Entrepreneur, Fondation, Groupe public, Incubateur, Indépendant, ...) of allowed values for the "Type" property.
Members: nsaunier
Needs & contributions :
Actions implemented by the Territory:
Partenaire impliqué (industriel, fablab, labo...) :
Wealth brought be the actor:
Common(s) proposed (under conditions):
Terms of services for the commons proposed:
Community(ies) of interest:
Link to mailing list:
Link to chat channel: [1]
Link to actions board:
Link to cloud, wiki, drive:
Report involving the stakeholder
Liste des connaissances liées à PolyMTLTransportIntelligent :
Common(s) PolyMTLTransportIntelligent use or the ones PolyMTLTransportIntelligent contribute to or want to contribute:
Communities PolyMTLTransportIntelligent is involved with:
List of project hosted by PolyMTLTransportIntelligent:
List of vehicles hosted by PolyMTLTransportIntelligent:
List of job and internship proposed by PolyMTLTransportIntelligent: