
De Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités
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Description en une ligne : Pneupur is a tire recycling startup which aims to collect, transform used tires into sport coatings and leisure surfaces.

Description : The problem : Each year, 9 million tires (used and new) come to Cameroon, 95% of which are not recycled. In the streets, neighborhoods, public dumpsites, tires are everywhere but rarely evacuated or transformed due to a lack of expertise of waste collection companies in recycling and treatment of tires.

The solution : Founded in 2014 by Cameroon twins Benjamin et Frédéric Belibi, Pneupur is a tire recycling startup which aims to collect, transform used tires into sport coatings and leisure surfaces. Pneupur is support by a large ecosystems of French and Cameroon's stakeholders like Bond’innov. Technology used for the tire-made coatings have been studied in Arts et Métiers ParisTech laboratories and advised with Troyes University (UTT) and Technipole the incubator of Yaounde Polytechnic School and The state of Cameroon and various Ministries. A mobile application will be available for local collectors and individuals in order to collect most non recycled tires in Yaounde and other cities in Cameroon.

State of development : Since 2017, Pneupur solution has been patented by the African Intellectual Property Organization (OAPI) and an environmental license to protect Pneupur technology in 17 African countries. Pneupur already produced 2500 m2 of surface with orders placed for schools, playgrounds and sports complexes in Cameroon. The first coating of the startup will take place in mid-September 2019. Requests have already been registered in Mali (schools), Togo, Senegal (individuals) and Tunisia (individuals). In December 2019, a commercial office will be settled in the Cocody 2 plateaux district of Abidjan in order to offer Pneupur products on the Ivorian market and to approach various private schools, town halls and individuals. For the first year of implementation, Pneupur wishes to familiarize the Ivorian public with this new type of coating by offering only finished products (imported materials) manufactured on site. The second year will rather be a year of adaptation and growth with a totally local production line. In 2020 to set up a factory in Cameroon which will create 32 direct jobs and more than 200 indirect jobs, many of them collectors.

Funds raised: Supported by the French Incubator Bond’Innov and funded by Campus France (10 000€). It also receives a honorary loan of 30 000€ from Bond’innov.

Business model: Pneupur is selling the coating and the labor force. Concerning collection of the tires, Pneupur is developing an application for informal collector and individuals who will probably be rewarded either by money or special vouchers.

Ambitions: Pneupur wishes to be the reference in the field of tire recycling in Africa by integrating rubber-based products from recycling into local economies. By 2025, Pneupur's objective is to deploy its solution in all Central African countries Frédéric and Benjamin are currently working with Centrale Paris on the road manufacturing process. Pneupur also wishes to partner with big automotive industries and companies like Michelin in order to grow stronger into the market and gain credibility globally.

Achievements: Pneupur won The "Entrepreneur en Afrique" competition in 2014, the Bond'innov 2017 competition of Research and Development Institute (IRD) and the recent Total 2019 Startupper of the Year award.

Within the context of Circular economy in Africa : Special materials like tires are difficult to recycle and few initiatives and startup in Africa chose to resolve this problematic. Pneupur provides an integrated solution which include all the steps of production process and will considerably impact African cities environment.

Appreciation: Pneupur is a clever solution for Africa as recycling is one of the key focus of African countries national strategy and development plan. With the state of Cameroon behind them, the Belibi twins have a bright future head of them.

To know more : bondy-a-yaounde-pneupur-a-la-conquete-du-marche-africain-329993.php

Text prepared by Charlène Kouassi

Tags : recyclage, Movin'On LAB Africa (OMA)

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Thème : Africa

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Pays d’implantation : Cameroun

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Type : Entreprise, Startup

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Communauté(s) d’intérêt : Communauté des acteurs en Afrique

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Liste des véhicules portés par Pneupur :

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