Moja Ride

De Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités
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Description en une ligne : Moja Ride is a Mobility aggregator that allows public transport users to access all modes of transport from a single mobile application in Abidjan

Description : The problem : 83% of transportation in Abidjan is ensured by the artisanal/informal sector so exclusively in cash which leads to unsafety and time los for users.

The solution : Founded by Jean Claude Gouesse and Anicet Josaphat AGBO in 2018, Moja Ride is a Mobility aggregator that allows public transport users to access all modes of transport from a single mobile application in Abidjan. The implementation of this solution is based on the digitalization of so-called non-conventioned transport networks such as Gbakas, worro-worros and an interconnection with organized networks such as Abidjan transport company (SOTRA). Moja Ride also requires the prior aggregation of digital payment methods into a single interface to facilitate payments. Thanks to Moja Ride card users can charge their electronic wallet and easily pay with their card. Users can load a minimum of 1000 FCFA (1,5€) and drivers need to buy at least 25 000 FCFA (38€) of electronic money to become a Moja Driver. It also includes different features like Moja transfers to an other Moja account and monitoring of the Thanks to this technology Moja drivers are able to follow their revenue per day and withdraw it in one of the 7 partner stations in Cocody and Port Bouet.

State of development : Moja Ride is currently working on aggregating Orange Money, MTN money and Moov Money payment methods into its application. For now Moja Ride has partnered with UBA Bank to make transfers and transactions through the client and driver application. This first phase reduces users' frustration with the chronic problems of small currencies but also secures their money against theft. The data from the payment service will allow to create a map of non-agreed urban transport in order to finalise the Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) service in the near future. Moja Ride has deployed in 7 shared taxis stations in Cocody and Port Bouet with a special offer for users and training for future « Moja Drivers »; over 1,700 users and 600 drivers have enrolled in the city so far and is building partnerships with restaurants gaz station and in other key markets to allow users and drivers to charge their card and withdraw their money.

Funds raised: Moja Ride was the recipient of a Grand Challenges grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and secured funding from a syndicate of investors put together by the Chicago-Base Sente mobility accelerator programme.

Business model: Moja Ride takes commissions on each ride.

Ambitions:. Moja Ride expansion plans will include two phases. First, focus on the UEMOA zone and its eight countries and then target selected cities in other important markets.

Achievements: Moja Ride won the Orange Middle East and Africa Social Entrepreneur Award in 2019.

Within the context of Digital Solutions in Africa : Informal sector is one of the major challenge that Africa has to face especially in the transport sector. Mojo Ride is one of the integrated solution that provide practical payment services for users in a context when cash is a real issue in west African economies.

Appreciation: Moja Ride has gained the trust of big international companies and investors which is another guarantee of its possible growing potential and its need for african populations. Though it will be difficult to integrate such a solution in a transport system like Abidjan’s, it is a real necessity to resolve cash problems and animosity between users and drivers.

To know more :

Text prepared by Charlène Kouassi

Tags : Movin'On LAB Africa (OMA)

Adhérent FabMob France :

Thème : Africa

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Villes d’implantation : Abidjan

Sur la carte :
Chargement de la carte...

Lieu précis d’expérimentation prévu :

Type : Entreprise, Startup

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Référent (contact privilégié) :

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Commun(s) proposé(s) (sous conditions):

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Communauté(s) d’intérêt : Communauté des acteurs en Afrique

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Liste des projets portés par Moja Ride :

Liste des véhicules portés par Moja Ride :

Liste des emplois et stages que proposent Moja Ride :