MobilityData - Standard de données Transports publics & mobilités partagées

From Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités



Title: MobilityData - Standard de données Transports publics & mobilités partagées

Event format: Atelier

Description: ... Lien vers le programme détaillé :


3 jours d'Ateliers techniques sur les standards de données : les 3 et 4 pour les transports publics et le 5 pour les mobilités partagées

3 et 4 décembre

To better understand the needs and challenges of transportation providers, software vendors, and mobility apps alike, they are organizing their European workshop which will be mostly focused on GTFS formats (including the real-time segment), with some presentations about related data formats (like NeTEx & SIRI).

The goals of the two-days workshop will be to : 1) Update transit data producers and consumers on what has been done in the past year (GBFS and GTFS extensions for pathways, fares, service changes, and other functions). 2) Gather the major data-related pain points and needs that you have. 3) Collaboratively build MobilityData’s 2020 roadmap, to address shared needs & pain points.

5 décembre

MobilityData IO, a Canada-based non-profit, helps mobility industry stakeholders produce and exchange high-quality data. To better understand the needs and challenges of transportation providers, software vendors, mobility apps, and public agencies alike, we are organizing this European workshop which will be mostly focused on the GBFS, with some presentations about related data formats (like MDS). The goals of the workshop will be to: 1) Update shared mobility data producers and consumers on the current state of GBFS and short-term plans for further improvements. 2) Gather the major data-related pain points and needs that you have. 3) Collaboratively build MobilityData’s roadmap, to address shared needs & pain points. The event will be held on Thursday 5th of December 2019 in Paris, close to Place de la République. Space is limited. If your organization is interested in joining us, please complete this interest form. We can host one person per organization, by invitation only. The bulk of the agenda will be technical discussions about GBFS, so please consider who is the most appropriate person from your organization to attend.

Day: 2019/12/03

Fin de l'évènement : day"day" contains an extrinsic dash or other characters that are invalid for a date interpretation.

Time: au 5 décembre 2019


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Link to report:

Tags: standard, données, data, GTFS, GBFS

Theme: Open Street Map OSM, Données ouvertes, Traces de mobilité et des données associées, Autopartage - location courte durée, Logiciel Libre

Community(ies) of interest: {{{communauté}}}Property "Communauté" (as page type) with input value "{{{communauté}}}" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.

Participants: Thibaud

Referent (person):
