Mobilise your city

From Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités

Short Description: A European-supported global partnership accelerating the transition to sustainable urban mobility

Description: Launched at COP21 in Paris, the MobiliseYourCity Partnership is a leading global Partnership for sustainable mobility of more than 100 partners, including 74 member cities and 16 member countries. It supports strategic, participatory planning and project preparation as a key instrument to enable countries and cities build sustainable urban mobility systems, and thereby green cities in the Global South.

MobiliseYourCity provides a methodological framework, capacity building and technical assistance and facilitates access to financing at both local and national levels.



Place for experimentation :

Map (on development) :
Chargement de la carte...

Web Site:

Organisations involved in the project: CODATU, ADEME, Agence Française de Developpement, CEREMA, FFEM, European Commission, ADB, GIZ, BMZ, CONCITO, DESPACIO, WUPPERTAL INSTITUTE, KFW, EBDR, UCLG, UN-HABITAT, ECF, Global Partnership for Informal Transport, PLATFORMA

Organisation interested to participate / use deliverables: EU Commission, BMZ, MTE, FFEM, AFD, ADB, CODATU, ADEME, CEREMA, GIZ, EBRD, KFW, Wuppertal Institute, ECF, Global Partnership for Informal Transport, ITDP, Platforma, UCLG, UN-Habitat, Despacio, Concito

Contributors (people):

Tags: urban mobility

Theme: Open Street Map OSM, Accessibilité dans les transports, Blockchain, Données ouvertes, Covoiturage quotidien, Urbanisme et ville, Africa

Referent (people): Sasank Vemuri (Coordinator of the MobiliseYourCity Global Secretariat -, Giuliana Ambrosino (Communications Officer –

Challenge associated to your project : Accompagner une collectivité à ouvrir un maximum de ressources et construire un kit d'aide à l'innovation, Améliorer l'offre de mobilité, Améliorer les solutions et développer de nouvelles solutions de mobilités pour tous

Common(s) used:Emissions Calculator -

Common(s) produced: Emissions Calculator -

Linked Communauty of interest: Communauté Cartographie Contributive, Communauté autour des données ouvertes

Advisor, mentor useful for the project: Alex Bourreau (

Project deliverables: Available & Validated

Digital space for discussion (mailing list):

Chat for direct discussion:

Trello for actions:

Digital space to share files (drive, wiki, etc...):

Needs identified:


Next step:

Others informations:

The MobiliseYourCity Partnership aims to empowers cities to improve urban mobility for their citizens and decarbonise transport to fight the global climate crisis.

Through the services the MobiliseYourCity Partnership provides to its member cities and countries, the main objectives are to:

- Accelerate the transition to sustainable urban mobility in countries of the Global South by following the avoid-shift and improve paradigm: reducing unnecessary urban travel, encouraging the use of low-carbon and non-pollutant transport modes and stimulating the shift towards low-carbon vehicle technologies. - Foster more comprehensive, integrated and participatory urban mobility planning at both local & national levels through the development of Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) and National Urban Mobility Policies or Investment Programs (NUMPs). - Facilitate access to sustainable financing for large-scale mobility projects. We support the development of integrated, comprehensive policies and development plans for sector transformation with clear linkage to budgeting and financing concepts to increase chances of financing. - Close the investment gap for sustainable mobility. The MobiliseYourCity Partnership advocates for increased resources and action to support cities to decarbonise urban transport. - By assisting cities and countries in the planning and implementation of effective measures to decarbonize urban transport, the Partnership supports the goals set forth under the UNFCCC dialogue and many urban-related goals specified in the New Urban Agenda as well as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Read more about it here.