
De Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités
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Description en une ligne : LÜLA is a tech startup which developed an app that connects corporate commuters to private shuttles from transport operators and their fleets to residential clusters on their way to work

Description : The problem : Cape Town is the most congested city in South Africa with 80% of peak traffic times clogged by private cars. Car pooling or sharing transport is one of recommendations that the city authority advocates as 3000 companies exist and possibly need shuttle services for their staff. LÜLA answers to this problematic.

The solution : Founded by Velani Mboweni and Xabiso Nodada in 2016, LÜLA is a tech startup which developed an app that connects corporate commuters to private shuttles from transport operators and their fleets to residential clusters on their way to work. It provides services to people who want an affordable, convenient and productive ride to work as well as to companies who need to get their staff from point A to B. 2 mobile/tablet applications exist for the drivers and operators and commuters. Passengers simply need to schedule trips and purchase a pass for a daily weekly of monthly subscription. During the trips passenger have access to wifi, refreshments and tracking informations.

State of development : After going through Startupbootcamp Afritech accelerator, LÜLA formed a team of 9 members from different sectors. LÜLA registered 54 trips 137 passengers and 2056 travelled kilometers in 2019. LÜLA has partnered with Busmark, RAW and the Council for Scientific & Industrial Research in Capetown to build the iBus, Africa’s first fully integrated and intelligent bus that comes in a hydrogen, electric or diesel drivetrain made of 97% local materials. It recently integrated a easiest way to pinpoint any location on a map to get passengers dropped off at a precise location.

Funds raised: $282,5M raised since 2016, the last funding was in July 2019. LÜLA currently seek to raise €15,91M in return for giving up an 8.5% equity stake, through local equity crowdfunding platform Uprise.Africa

Business model: Based in commissions and weekly to monthly subscription

Ambitions: LÜLA wishes to gain reach at least 5% of the 65% commuters that use private cars to go to work and keep satisfying commuters with affordable, productive and comfortable trips. LÜLA also wishes to reduce the overall carbon footprint both in the developed and developing world.

Achievements: LÜLA has been recognized as one of five innovations shaping Africa by the African Union at the 2017 African Economic Platform in Mauritius.

Within the context of Shared Mobility in Africa : LÜLA is one of the rare B2B and B2B2C solutions in Africa that focuses on creating triple bottom line impact in society - socially, economically and environmentally. It encourages a culture of iterating fast and learning. As problematics like congestion, raising fuel prices and global warming won’t end in a near future in Africa, this app is certainly worth investing in it.

Appreciation: LÜLA benefits cities by reducing congestion, increasing accessibility through crowdsourced routes and encouraging more livable spaces. It works out 80% cheaper than using conventional ride hailing services and passengers are saving up to 20% on their commute. Through LÜLA, residents of cities change the way they experience mobility by integrating ride-sharing, increased comfort and efficiency in daily transport

Text prepared by Charlène Kouassi

Tags : Movin'On LAB Africa (OMA), Ride Hailing Service, Ride sharing

Adhérent FabMob France :

Thème : Africa

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Date de création :

Pays d’implantation : Afrique du sud

Villes d’implantation : Cape Town

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Type : Entreprise, Startup

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Communauté(s) d’intérêt : Communauté des acteurs en Afrique

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