Kuksa & APPSTACLE software for the automotive industry

From Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités

Kuksa and APPSTACLE bring open source software development to the automotive industry

💼 porté par Eclipse


Bringing open source principles to the automotive industry would allow break-down of silos and increase flexibility of solutions across the whole automotive eco-system. This is one key goal for the ITEA3 APPSTACLE consortium. One important element is the recently established Eclipse KUKSA open source project, which unifies technologies across the vehicle, IoT, cloud and security domains.

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Tags: automobile, automotive, IOT, eclipse

Categories: Logiciel, Communauté

Theme: Voiture Connectée, Logiciel Libre


Challenge: Abaisser les barrières pour innover sur le véhicule

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Community of interest: Communauté Voiture Connectée, Communauté du Logiciel Libre


Terms of Service (TOS):

Level of development: POC et 1er client

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Needs: https://itea3.org/project/appstacle.html : APPSTACLE website https://www.eclipse.org/kuksa/ : ECLIPSE KUKSA https://github.com/eclipse?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=kuksa" target="_blank : ECLIPSE KUKSA GitHub repository https://itea3.org/" target="_blank : ITEA3 website

Next step:

Documentation of the experimentations: It started with the aim to deploy an open and secure vehicle-to-cloud platform connecting a wide range of cars and transport vehicles to the cloud via open in-car and Internet connections, taking advantage of 5G or alternative connectivity solutions. It then evolved to establishing a software development and deployment environment and create an open ecosystem taking into account the specific quality requirements of the automotive industry.

The ECLIPSE KUKSA project The idea of an open-source project derives from the APPSTACLE goal to overcome the lack of open technologies in current automotive systems. Today, car manufacturers or OEMs can customize only single automotive ecosystem's components, for example in-vehicle platforms or cloud applications, which leads to the development of silos-based architectures lacking in interoperability and extension flexibility.

KUKSA aims to fill the gap by providing a complete and functional open source platform that allows common development initiatives across suppliers, OEMs, tooling enterprises, and developers. The approach has several benefits: easier development of full-connected vehicle ecosystems, adding value to the open source community in the automotive context, and boosting a more rapid and qualitative development.

There is also the possibility to open the market to external applications and service providers who can easily integrate functionality through the use of open source software. KUKSA seeks to become a basis for building customized, proprietary, and open source systems, but is not trying to reinvent anything that already exists. The idea is to use and foster existing open source solutions supplemented by specific KUKSA components.

Eclipse KUKSA consists of three major platforms. They are characterized by a comprehensive software environment that includes frameworks and technologies for deploying the in-vehicle platform, the cloud platform, and an applications' integrated development environment IDE, shown in the figure below. The complete tooling stack includes network services enablers that allow Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Cloud (V2C) connectivity, by taking advantage of in-car and internet connections.

Other informations

List of the actors using or willing of using this common: aucun pour le moment

List of the workshop reports related to this common: