CARMA Cooperative Automated Research for Mobility Applications

De Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités
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CARMA is an Open Source Software (OSS) platform that enables the testing and evaluation of cooperative automation concepts for improving safety and increasing infrastructure efficiency.

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Cooperative Automated Research for Mobility Applications (CARMA) is the latest in the Federal Highway Administration's (FHWA's) cooperative automated vehicle research. CARMA is an Open Source Software (OSS) platform that enables the testing and evaluation of cooperative automation concepts for improving safety and increasing infrastructure efficiency. By informing vehicles about what’s ahead and what to expect, the CARMA software platform equips vehicles with the ability to interact and cooperate with infrastructure and other vehicles, enabling the safer and more efficient movement of goods and services. The most recent version enables Research and Development (R&D) capabilities to support Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO). CARMA is built on a flexible framework designed to be easily shared and integrated into several vehicle models including passenger cars and heavy trucks. We invite industry and academia interested in the FHWA's automated vehicles research to collaborate with us on GitHub.

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Tags : voiture connectée

Catégories : Logiciel, Données, Connaissance, Communauté

Thème : Voiture Connectée, Logiciel Libre

Référent :

Défi auquel répond la ressource : Abaisser les barrières pour innover sur le véhicule

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Documentation des expérimentations :

Autres informations

Liste des acteurs qui utilisent ou souhaitent utiliser ce commun : aucun pour le moment

Liste des CR d’atelier en lien avec ce commun :