BMC board mini base
Unlock its capability by adding different add-on boards to the mini::base. this way it can be a fully integrated GPS logger with mobile data connection, a WiFi and bluetooth enabled control module for IoT applications, a multi channel datalogger with CAN interface, …
Organizations using or interested in using the resource:
Tags: CAN, CAN bus, GPS
Categories: Logiciel, Matériel
Theme: Voiture Connectée, Données ouvertes, Traces de mobilité et des données associées, Open HardWare, Ecoles et Etudiants
Challenge: Abaisser les barrières pour innover sur le véhicule
Key people to solicit:
Other related common: CANtact, OBD Pi
Wealth sought: Expérimentation, Moyen de prototypage - production - essais et calcul, Financement
Required skills: Energie, Information
Community of interest: Communauté de l'Open Hardware, Communauté du véhicule Open Source
Terms of Service (TOS):
Level of development:
Link to my actions board:
Link to my cloud, wiki, drive…:
Next step:
Documentation of the experimentations:
Other informations
List of the actors using or willing of using this common: aucun pour le moment
List of the workshop reports related to this common: