The Berkeley Autonomous Race Car is a development platform for autonomous driving
The Berkeley Autonomous Race Car is a development platform for autonomous driving to achieve complex maneuvers such as drifting, lane changes, and obstacle avoidance. A 1/10 scale RC car and an embedded Linux computer make up the hardware platform of the project. This project aims to be fully open-source. The data collection process is cloud-based and brings new dimensions to the Vehicle Dynamics and Control Theory teaching and research world.
Organizations using or interested in using the resource:
Tags: fabmob, racing, commun, autonomous-car, education
Categories: Logiciel, Matériel
Theme: Open HardWare, Voiture Connectée, Navettes autonomes, Logiciel Libre
Key people to solicit:
Other related common:
Wealth sought:
Required skills:
Community of interest:
Terms of Service (TOS):
Level of development:
Link to my actions board:
Link to my cloud, wiki, drive…:
Next step:
Documentation of the experimentations:
Other informations
List of the actors using or willing of using this common: aucun pour le moment
List of the workshop reports related to this common: