
From Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités

Apollo is a high performance, flexible architecture which accelerates the development, testing, and deployment of Autonomous Vehicles. For business and partnership, please visit our website.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Architecture
  4. Installation
  5. Documents

Organizations using or interested in using the resource: INSA


Tags: apollo, baidu, Autonomous, operating system, AV

Categories: Logiciel, Données, Connaissance, Matériel, Communauté

Theme: Open HardWare, Voiture Connectée, Données ouvertes, Navettes autonomes, Ecoles et Etudiants, Logiciel Libre


Challenge: Abaisser les barrières pour innover sur le véhicule

Key people to solicit:

Other related common: Véhicule Open Source pour la formation et l'éducation, Communauté du véhicule Open Source

Wealth sought:

Required skills:

Community of interest: Communauté du véhicule Open Source, Communauté de l'Open Hardware


Terms of Service (TOS):

Level of development:

Link to my actions board:

Link to my cloud, wiki, drive…:


Next step:

Documentation of the experimentations:

Other informations

List of the actors using or willing of using this common: aucun pour le moment

List of the workshop reports related to this common: