AI•ON is an open community dedicated to advancing Artificial Intelligence
AI•ON is an open community dedicated to advancing Artificial Intelligence by: Drawing attention to important yet under-appreciated research problems. Connecting researchers and encouraging open scientific collaboration. Providing a learning environment for students looking to gain machine learning experience. As a research contributor, gain experience and make an impact: Explore our list of open problems, and pick one to work on. Join the team of contributors collaborating to solve it - entirely in the open. Gain machine learning expertise in contact with mentors and fellow contributors. Ship code and ideas that make a meaningful impact in the real world. As a senior researcher, outsource your backlog of projects and give back to the community: Submit research problems to the attention of the community. Provide light, high-level guidance and mentorship to the team of contributors working to solve the problem you submitted. Receive credit for your contributions to the research process. Read about our process, our values, and explore our collection of open research problems.
Organizations using or interested in using the resource:
Tags: fabmob, community, commun, artificial-intelligence
Key people to solicit:
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Community of interest:
Terms of Service (TOS):
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Documentation of the experimentations:
Other informations
List of the actors using or willing of using this common: aucun pour le moment
List of the workshop reports related to this common: