Scenario Exploration System (SES)

De Communauté de la Fabrique des Mobilités
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The 'Scenario Exploration System' (SES) is an award winning future simulation tool developed by the JRC together with experts in serious games.

💼 porté par European Commission


It uses engagement techniques from the entertainment world to engage participants in the full richness of the systemic collective reflection created when building scenarios. What the SES provides

The SES provides a platform that engages participants in future-oriented systemic thinking. It makes participants take action to reach their long-term objectives in contrasting scenario-related contexts while interacting with other stakeholders. By creating a realistic journey towards the future, the SES is generating a safe space to simulate possible responses connected to any issue of interest to the participants. This engagement platform helps people imagine what the scenarios of interest could mean for themselves and can be used for strategic development, preparedness, etc. The content of each session is recorded for possible use in later debriefing. How the SES works

The SES engages 5 participants to build a role for themselves and create unique stories while exploring possible futures. The participants must take action across three time horizons to reach their long-term objectives as a policy maker, a business, or a civil society organisation while the public voice observes and assesses future impacts according to its interests.

Organisations utilisatrices ou intéressées pour utiliser la ressource : VEDECOM

Contributeur(s) :

Tags : serious game, scenario, imaginaire

Catégories : Logiciel

Thème : Blockchain

Référent :

Défi auquel répond la ressource : Améliorer les solutions et développer de nouvelles solutions de mobilités pour tous

Personnes clés à solliciter :

Autre commun proche :

Richesse recherchée :

Compétences recherchées :

Communauté d'intérêt : Communauté des Territoires et Collectivités, Communauté des Ecoles et Etudiants

Type de licence :

Conditions Générales d’Utilisation (CGU) :

Niveau de développement : Présérie

Lien vers l’outil de gestion des actions :

Lien vers l’outil de partage de fichiers :

Besoins :

Prochaines étapes : Ce jeu est disponible à la Fabrique des Mobilités

Documentation des expérimentations : One version can be downloaded HERE.

This version is quite generic and has been used to explore many issues. For best results, you should print 3 copies each of the Action cards and four copies each of the Real Life cards. The picture files can be copied in Word of Power Point documents and printed recto-verso for cards fronts and backs. They can also be given to a professional printer. You will also need 25 tokens (bingo chips) each in green, blue, purple and yellow, 65 red tokens (all 19mm diameter) and one die. This video should help you along:

The SES is available under a Creative Commons licence. This means that you are free to use and modify the SES but you have to share the results of your adaptations under the same conditions and you have to attribute the work to its originators.

Two versions of the SES that were developed to discuss mobility issues. One (a slightly simplified version) is available here:

They ask for a small contribution to cover in part the cost of printing and producing the box.

Join the Scenario Exploration System users group on LinkedIn.

Autres informations

Liste des acteurs qui utilisent ou souhaitent utiliser ce commun : aucun pour le moment

Liste des CR d’atelier en lien avec ce commun :